Daily Shandar Bundle Zong
Zong brings Daily Shandar Offer for best calling. By subscribing to Daily Shandar Package you can enjoy unlimited calls from Zong to Zong for 2 hours. Not only calls you can also enjoy fastest internet and SMS. There is no limitation of time you can subscribe at any time of the day. This Daily Shandar Bundle is available in just Rs.14 + tax.
Incentive Details:
•Unlimited On-net minutes.
•50MBs of fastest Zong Internet.
•800 SMS for all networks.
You can subscribe to this Daily Shandar Offer in Rs.14 + tax only.
Daily Shandar Offer is valid for 1day.
Activation Code:
•If you want to avail this package just dial *999#.
•You can also send a message "Pak" to 5225.
•This bundle is valid for one calander day and will expire at midnight.
•Daily Shandar Offer is not auto renewable.
•If you want to subscribe again dial the subscription code again.
•Daily Shandar Offer is for prepaid customers only.